Saturday 14 March 2015

Tarot Reading Question What do I most need to know about my love life?

The card not shown but at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Ten of Tomes (The Eltdown Shards): Success and gain, leading you to take on a burden greater than you can carry. Noble leadership transformed, through lack of restraint, into tyranny. The crushing weight of ultimate responsibility. Having spent their fuel, the engines of creation grind to a halt.

The card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Three of Sites (Plateau of Leng), when reversed: Delays in the commencement of business, commercial transactions, or employment. Holding back or failing to use one's abilities to their full potential. Shoddy workmanship and lack of attention to detail. Being hamstrung by convention, or failing to temper artistic fancy with an understanding of reality.

The card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Ace of Tomes (The Necronomicon): The seed of a new venture - perhaps as yet unseen. An opportunity to be met with boldness, vigor, and enthusiasm. The herald of birth, invention, or entrepreneurship. An innate and primal force released. May suggest a surge of vitality, creativity, or fertility that can set things in motion.

The card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. Ten of Artifacts (Mi-Go Brain Cylinder), when reversed: The darkness before the dawn. An end to suffering, leading to spiritual transformation. A crushing and seemingly total defeat that hides within it the seeds of final victory. Ultimate knowledge gained through ultimate sacrifice.

The card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. Five of Artifacts (Guardian of Kadath), when reversed: Refusing to achieve success through personal degradation. Friendship maintained through the abandonment of a dishonorable gain. Slander and infamy avoided.

The card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. Lavinia & Yog Sothoth, when reversed: Inner strife, frustration, suspicion, and disagreements in a relationship. Irresponsibility and indecision. Avoiding true intimacy in favor of lust. Unfaithfulness.

The card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Three of Man (Inspector Legrasse), when reversed: A time of shallow overindulgence, followed depletion. The successful but utterly unfulfilling conclusion of a matter. Satisfaction from sensual pleasures divorced from any sense of love. May indicate problems prematurely dismissed or a victory claimed before it is certain.

The card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Queen of Sites (The Church on Federal Hill): The essence of earth behaving as water, such as a hot spring: A warm and generous host, providing shelter and comfort for all who would seek it. A person steadfast, practical, and domestic, able to create opulence and stability in any setting. The qualities of maturity and sensibility, coupled with an innate appreciation for nature and the material world.

The card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. Nine of Tomes (The Pnakotic Manuscripts): A pause in the current struggle to ready oneself. Preparation to meet the final conclusive onslaught. Forces assembled in anticipation of trials and tribulations. The steeling of the will to stand or fall. A line drawn in the sand.

The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Queen of Tomes (Seven Cruptical Books of Osan): The essence of fire behaving as water, such as a rainbow: The natural embodiment of passion and sensuality, who is always the center of attention. One who reflects the desires and ambitions of others, and ignites them. A radiantly vital person, cocky and charismatic, who sees what she wants and goes after it.

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